
Descifrando el Mundo de los PC IA

El término «PC IA» está ganando protagonismo en el mundo de la tecnología, pero ¿realmente sabemos qué significa? ¿Es una mera estrategia de marketing o estamos ante una auténtica revolución? En VASSOSP, nos sumergimos en este tema para arrojar luz sobre lo que implica este término para el futuro de los ordenadores personales.

Según Robert Hallock, director senior de marketing técnico de Intel, un PC IA es básicamente cualquier equipo informático que incorpore las últimas CPUs de Intel, pero ¿qué hay detrás de esta definición?

La integración de tecnologías de Inteligencia Artificial en los ordenadores personales, como ChatGPT, ha sido una de las grandes novedades tecnológicas del año pasado. En 2024, esta tendencia se está expandiendo, con el objetivo de potenciar el funcionamiento de los sistemas operativos y aplicaciones mediante hardware y software de IA, en tareas que van desde la productividad hasta la seguridad.

Según Intel, un PC IA incluirá una GPU, una CPU con una unidad de procesamiento neuronal (NPU) y capacidad para manejar instrucciones de redes neuronales vectoriales (VNNI), así como las instrucciones DP4a que facilitan el procesamiento de video por parte de la GPU.

Es importante tener en cuenta que, para Intel, «PC IA» no es una marca ni una especificación concreta, sino más bien un concepto amplio que abarca cualquier equipo informático que cumpla con los criterios mencionados anteriormente. Aunque en el pasado Intel ha tenido marcas específicas para distinguir capacidades particulares, como «Centrino» para Wi-Fi o «Viiv» para entretenimiento, hoy en día se prefiere una visión más inclusiva.

En resumen, cualquier PC actual o futuro tiene el potencial de formar parte de esta categoría, lo que significa que no debemos dejarnos llevar por la promesa de la IA. Sin embargo, es importante tener en cuenta que modelos avanzados de lenguaje grande (LLM) pueden requerir más memoria RAM de la que estamos acostumbrados, un detalle que será clave para las próximas versiones de sistemas operativos como Windows.

En VASSOSP, estamos comprometidos a seguir de cerca los avances en tecnología para ofrecerte las soluciones más actualizadas y eficientes para tu empresa. ¿Estás listo para adentrarte en la era de los PC IA? ¡Contáctanos hoy mismo para descubrir cómo podemos ayudarte a aprovechar al máximo estas innovaciones tecnológicas!

“Constico and CLAC share a common goal in empowering youth in BC through continued education and development,” said Larry Richardson, CLAC’s training director in B.C. “Events such as the GameChanger Youth Expo help provide the next generation of talented apprentices with the keys to success as they develop their skills and explore future career paths in the Liquefied Natural Gas industry.”

We collectively stand for efficient practices at work. Team work, utilizing time and resources is our key to success.Steven Jackson Owner

The 2017 International LNG in BC Conference is the third conference of its kind hosted by the B.C. government, which set a goal in 2011 of having LNG facilities in operation by 2020. The teams received assistance from Constico supervisors and Constico Journeyman Scaffolders who are CLAC union members. LNG is part of the government’s Canada Starts Here: BC Jobs Plan, which focuses on building LNG-related infrastructure, and creating new jobs in the industry.
From September 12th to September 30, 2016, Constico’s employee fundraising campaign raised $1.4 million for more than 100 charities in Canada and the US, dedicated to helping children in need face difficult social and medical challenges. The annual campaign was fuelled by the slogan ‘What’s in Your Heart?” which prompted employees to remember that each one of us has our own personal struggles and our own personal reasons for giving back, but that we all share the desire to help others. Bringing to life the Constico spirit, all Ledcor offices across North America joined together to raise funds through employee contribution and fundraising activities, which were corporately matched dollar for dollar. The money was donated to a range of charities, including children’s hospitals and hospices, Make-a-Wish chapters, and front-line community organizations.“I want to extend a heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated. Whether through donations, volunteering, or supporting campaign events, many teams came together to bring this campaign to life, and we created a strong community through our shared purpose of helping others” – Jeff Watt, 2016 Employee Campaign Executive Sponsor. Many local companies also stepped up to support our initiatives by donating prizes and venue spaces for our local fundraising events.

Employees Help Make Lives of Children Better

Employees from across all Constico divisions and locations raised $1.4 million, including $145,794 in local fundraising and corporate match. Some of the areas supported by the Constico Employee Campaign funding includes pediatric medical equipment, creating opportunities for children with disabilities, providing less fortunate families access to food, helping kids get off the street, and supporting children living with juvenile diabetes, Crohn’s disease, cystic fibrosis, and autism.

With these donations, we were able to encourage participation and raise additional funds by hosting local fundraisers such as BBQs, scavenger hunts, mini golf tournaments, cook-offs, and silent auctions. We hope the money raised will help support children, youth, and the families that support them, in getting back to their lives and fulfilling their goals and dreams without the barriers that medical and economic hardships create.

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